Our business journey started in 2019 after a trip to China if you've read our story.
During our trip to China, we visited the Tibetan region in Yunnan province in the southwest of China. We went to town of Shangri-La for a few days and took an overnight trip to see the Mei Li snow mountain. According to the local Tibetans, there are eight holy mountains including Mt Everest in the Tibetan region. The peak of Mei Li snow mountain is the most holy one of all. Legend has it that if you see the golden peak in the morning when the sun shines on it, you will be lucky for the next 12 months. We were there just for one day and it was in Spring so it wasn’t the best season to see sunrise. When we opened the curtain of our hotel room in the morning the next day, we saw the peak through our hotel window and it was spectacular. We took thousands of photos within a couple of hours as you can imagine. The picture used in this article is one of them. The image of the peak in that morning has always stayed in our minds since.
When we came back to Australia and tried to think of a name for our business, we wanted to keep it simple. I remember I was reading Steve Jobs biography at the time. He chose Apple because it was different from other computer companies, and it was easy to remember. Mike and I joked about calling the company banana or mint. We thought about using our own names but it seemed so boring. One morning I was lying in bed and thinking about the trip to Mei Li. All of the sudden it came to me that ML is Mei Li and it’s also Mike Lulu. It was a magic moment. ML it was then. I designed the logo to include the peak of Mei Li and the same rich golden colour. ML feels right and it’s us.
Here is a link to wikipedia if you want to read more about the peak of Mei Li. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kawagarbo#Sacred_mountain_worship
Learn more about ML Windows at https://www.mlwindows.com.au